
Text decoration

Class Name Responsive Class Description
u-strike none Line through text.
u-underline none Underline text.
u-noDeco none Remove text decoration.

Text transform

Class Name Responsive Class Description
u-caps none Capitalize first letter of every word.
u-lowercase none Lowercase all words.
u-allCaps none Uppercase all words.
u-regular none Remove text transform.

Text alignment

Class Name Responsive Class Description
u-txtCenter u-[sm|md|lg]-txtCenter Center align text.
u-txtLeft u-[sm|md|lg]-txtLeft Left align text.
u-txtRight u-[sm|md|lg]-txtRight Right align text.

Text Size

Class Name Responsive Class Description
u-txt0 u-[sm|md|lg]-txt0 10px
u-txt1 u-[sm|md|lg]-txt1 12px
u-txt2 u-[sm|md|lg]-txt2 14px
u-txt3 u-[sm|md|lg]-txt3 16px
u-txt4 u-[sm|md|lg]-txt4 18px
u-txt5 u-[sm|md|lg]-txt5 20px
u-txt6 u-[sm|md|lg]-txt6 24px
u-txt7 u-[sm|md|lg]-txt7 28px
u-txt8 u-[sm|md|lg]-txt8 32px
u-txt9 u-[sm|md|lg]-txt9 40px
u-txt10 u-[sm|md|lg]-txt10 56px
u-txt11 u-[sm|md|lg]-txt11 72px

Text Size

These classes are deprecated as of v1.4.0 - do not use anymore.

Class Name Responsive Class Description
u-txtMicro none 10px text size.
u-txtSmallest none 12px text size.
u-txtSmaller none 14px text size.
u-txtSmall none 15px text size.
u-txtLarge none 18px text size.
u-txtLarger none 24px text size.
u-txtLargest none 32px text size.
u-txtHuge none 38px text size.

Font Weight

Class Name Responsive Class Description
u-light none Make font weight light. (300)
u-normal none Make font weight normal. (400)
u-medium none Make font weight medium. (500)
u-bold none Make font weight bold. (700)

Tracking (letter spacing)

Class Name Responsive Class Description
u-trackTight none The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. (-.01em)
u-trackNormal none The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. (0)
u-trackLoose none The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. (.06em)

Leading (line height)

Class Name Responsive Class Description
u-leadTightest none The quick brown fox
jumped over the lazy dog. (1.1 - 110%)
u-leadTighter none The quick brown fox
jumped over the lazy dog. (1.2 - 120%)
u-leadTight none The quick brown fox
jumped over the lazy dog. (1.3 - 130%)
u-leadNormal none The quick brown fox
jumped over the lazy dog. (1.4 - 140%)
u-leadLoose none The quick brown fox
jumped over the lazy dog. (1.5 - 150%)
u-leadLooser none The quick brown fox
jumped over the lazy dog. (1.6 - 160%)
u-leadLoosest none The quick brown fox
jumped over the lazy dog. (1.7 - 170%)


Class Name Responsive Class Description
u-breakWord none Break strings when their length exceeds the width of their container.
u-txtColorInherit none Inherit the ancestor's text color.
u-noWrap none Prevent whitespace wrapping.
u-styleNormal none Make font style normal.