The push utility classes apply various percentage based offsets to elements.
They can be used on almost anything, but they’re primarily used within
the grid system, along side the o-grid-cell and u-sizeXofY classes.
.u-push4of12 .u-size4of12
Available Classes
Class Name
Responsive Class
Specify the proportional offset before an object. X must be an integer less than Y. Y can be any of the following numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12.
Size utilities can be limited to specific Media Query breakpoints.
u-pushXofY - Targets all viewport sizes from 0 up.
u-sm-pushXofY - To use at the small Media Query breakpoint and up.
u-md-pushXofY - To use at the medium Media Query breakpoint and up.
u-lg-pushXofY - To use at the large Media Query breakpoint and up.